As you can see we are working on an update
to this page check back soon Gothicpoet Haunt
I do yard hounts first I like bulding the props both static and moushon props secend I wont a reaction third there has to be viseters (this is why I do not do me house)
one of thre first times I got into halloween was when me neses and nefu were in school. Gothicpoet we did not it was gothicpoet at the time had a hallowee party and hounted hay ride lots of kids. A long with auther decor we made a swomp monster that burst in flames dering the hay ride. I lurnt my lesson you can only do that one time un less you have an infestation of swomp monsters. This has progrested to a hurse, 14 foot tall gremreper, fog, coffins, a 20 foot long tunel, cemmerl gater that take a trailer to hale, flaying crank gost and props that jump, leap at you, rise out of coffins, and skul lots of skul